A Day in the Life of a Designer
The challenge was to create an infographic depicting a day in my life as a designer. I started by creating a step by step plan of my day by collecting data of social media usage and tracked my activities in a two-day span. Originally this data was in the shape of a baseball diamond, but the diamond was too small to display the information. I planned my day as if it were a step by step process because it involved many tasks. Completely changing the design reflects the organization and planning involved with blueprints.

Nursery Rhyme Simple Narrative
The objective of this project was to distill a complex nursery rhyme into a simple narrative. I discovered that “Rub-a-dub-dub” describes three gay men in a tub. This took me by surprise because most people do not know that this rhyme is portraying gay men. Using simple imagery to represent the sailor, baker, and the candlestick maker, I effectively represented each character without portraying them literally.

Story of Gill Sans

United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (upper left) Human Rights Violation in the country of Chad (upper right)